Welcome to Happy Path
Ready to get started on your journey to a fully mature eDiscovery practice? Good. Because you have come to the right place. Here at Happy Path we give you everything you need to accomplish this goal. If you follow our roadmap and use the materials and tools we provide here, you’ll find yourself in the promised land in no time.
This isn’t like most roadmaps or resource centers where vague outlines or abstract guidance is provided all with the hope of confusing you right into hiring some consulting company.
Everything is here. This isn’t a teaser, this is the whole package. Happy Path provides a series of downloadable checklists with detailed step by step guidance on exactly what you need to do to get from Ad Hoc to an Integrated and Optimized eDiscovery practice.
You might be asking yourself “Why would you do that? Give away your secret sauce? Not make any money?” It's an understandable question and the answer is simple. We aren’t excited about consulting, we are excited about Sunnyday - our project lifecycle management tool that solidifies and optimizes your fully matured eDiscovery practice. Here’s the rub. In order to implement Sunnyday we need your organization to be ready to take the step to a fully integrated and optimized eDiscovery practice. If you’re not in that place then we have to undergo an implementation process that involves taking you from where you are on the EDRM all the way to the top. Which we can do - no problem.
We’d just rather not because that takes time away from focusing on the tech aspect of being a legal tech company.
See, really, this whole thing is selfish. How? Because we are asking YOU to do the heavy lifting of prepping and maturing your eDiscovery practice, instead of having us do it. Now don’t get us wrong, if you need some help here or there or… sigh… even have us do the heavy lifting, we are here to help. Happier to provide little boosts here and there but ready and willing to do the heavy lifting. BUT remember, we aren’t hiding anything. We are giving you the capability to do everything we would do.
So what exactly will you be doing? Here’s the high level breakdown
From Ad Hoc to Managed: you will be creating and coordinating your team with a big push to audit your best practices and realize the ROI from getting to Managed.
From Managed to Standardized: you will be creating checklists that drive continuous improvement and implementing tools to track projects and budgets.
From Standardized to Semi-Integrated: you will be optimizing communications and uncovering additional cost saving opportunities that were previously unavailable.
From Semi-integrated to Integrated and Optimizing: you’ll have arrived at the Sunnyday at the end of the Happy Path.
If you want more detail. Skim ahead. Download all of the checklists (because this is an iterative approach, the link to the next section is at the bottom of the checklist of the current one). Check out the How-To documentation. Get a feel. If it feels like a lot, don’t worry. Everything is laid out in chronological order in bite sized pieces. You can do a piece here and then a piece there and it will all build on top of each other. The best part is, you’ll start realizing the benefits the second you start. No waiting for an ROI at the finish line, it’ll happen right away.
Alright, feeling ready? Good! Like I said, we are here to help so if you need anything just email me at austin@easycompanyconsulting.com and I’ll be happy to help. Oh and a final note, if you are on the journey and feel like there is something missing, some little extra bedazzlement we could throw on this golden brick road to easy eDiscovery, let us know. As you’ll pick up on this road we believe in continuous improvement and if you have a way we can improve this journey, well then, we want to know about it.
Let’s get going, hit that easy button!
(Yes, the journey is going to be this easy)