
Standardized and Ready to Integrate

You’ve done a bunch of heavy lifting. Your processes are flowing, your ROIs are soaring, and you feel like a well oiled-machine. Well, maybe not once the workflows leave your organization (but if they do, hell yeah!). Your house is in order and now it’s time that your neighbors do the same. All you are looking for is partner organizations that are interested in maturing their practice just like you. What does that mean?

No surveys. You don’t need to try and peel back the layers of their marketing schemes or their promises or their technology. You’ve been reaping the benefits of a systematic approach to continuous improvement - if they are willing to do the same they will not only be able to get ahead of the competition, they will be able to integrate with you.

Simply put, if you have checklists and they have checklists, you can sit down together and review those checklists together to identify opportunities for improvements through alignment.

If they audit their workflows and understand their costs, they can calculate a Value-Based pricing model. Which means your budgets become a lot more predictable. Like, a lot… a lot…

If they want to streamline and standardize their communications with you, it all becomes a lot easier to interact.

It’s not, what can you do for me now? It’s what can we do together going forward?

And that’s it. That’s the question. Are you willing to go through this process with us? If the answer is yes, you have a trusted partner moving forward.

You can do all of these steps without a partner, but it will be more impactful with one - hence the integrating. That being said, everything will be laid out in a way that you can create value with or without a partner, and if you do perform this without a partner you’ll just be even more ready for when you do have one lined up. So don’t be shy, charge ahead, we will make sure to point out where the integration work can take place and how to navigate it based on your current situation.

Download the Standardized to Semi-Integrated Checklist