Project Tracking

You will be setting up a Project Tracking spreadsheet that also serves as a foundation for predicting budgets.

Time to Perform is 30 minutes

+ Why

We can’t predict what is going to happen if we don’t know what is happening. In order to do that, we have to track it. I know, I know, this isn’t fun. I wish I had a crystal ball and a cool outfit but I believe in actually helping you.

This problem has a lot of attention in the legal tech community, and, from what I can tell, a decent amount of adoption. If you have adopted a tool that tracks project metrics and can be leveraged to predict future budgets, skip ahead!

If you answered no to either, here is a - albeit low tech - solution that works, it just takes a little effort.

Time break down

5 minutes - Dashboard Tab setup

5 minutes - Media Tab setup

5 minutes - Processing Tab setup

5 minutes - Third Party Load Tab setup

5 minutes - Productions Tab setup

5 minutes - Automatic reporting setup

+ How?