Form a Team

Form a team that will be assisting and contributing to the maturity of your eDiscovery practice.

Time to Perform is 1 to 2 hours

+ Why

Everything that needs to be done to progress up the maturity model could be performed by a single person. We wouldn’t recommend it. For certain steps, sheer numbers will prove valuable, while other steps will benefit from different perspectives and expertise. Every organization is going to have a different situation, so we can’t tell you exactly how this team is going to look for your scenario. What we can do is walk you through the process of forming the team.

The first step is a strategic one, start with the end in mind. How? Take 15 minutes and skim ahead in the content all the way to the top of the maturity model. Keep in mind that we put all the expertise necessary to perform these steps into the Happy Path, so when you see something like Poka Yoke you don’t need to worry about finding a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. That action item has all the information necessary to perform that Poka Yoke yourself. Of course, if you have a team member with the matching expertise for an item, definitely look into putting them on the team. Alright, go skim ahead.

Welcome back! Now that you have a high level idea of what is ahead of you, let’s get started on making this team. Oh and that whole skim ahead notion, you should do that every time you see a How To section for the first time.

Time break down

30 minutes - Brainstorm the list of initial team members

5 minutes/team member - Contact each team member and coordinate schedules for the first meeting

+ How?